
Bangkok Hackathon to save Southeast Asia’s energy system
Two Executive Committees set up for the preparation of the Thai RICE NAMA project
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives urges Thai farmers to meet international standard
12 cities and 7 countries work on adopting Nexus approach into urban planning
Satellite technology expedites insurance payouts in India’s crop insurance programme
Satellite technology expedites insurance payouts in India’s crop insurance programme
Chennai, (July 19th, 2017) - Early insurance payouts were surging during the recent Rabi cropping...
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Green Freight Project Conducted “Basic ADR Training” to Provide Fundamental Understanding and Identify Steps for Implementation
A Regional Workshop on Innovative Instruments and Incentives for the Promotion of Climate Friendly Products in the Market
A Regional Workshop on Innovative Instruments and Incentives for the Promotion of Climate Friendly Products in the Market
The Advancing and Measuring Sustainable Consumption and Production for a Low-Carbon Economy in Middle-Income and...
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ONEP-GIZ-DPT join hands to mainstream climate change adaptation into human settlement and security sector
ONEP-GIZ-DPT join hands to mainstream climate change adaptation into human settlement and security sector
On 13-14 July 2017, GIZ Thailand through Risk based National Adaptation Plan Project together with...
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From trainer to designer: big steps towards completing training course on financial audit
Save more cost by driving more efficiently