
Juicy Taste but Safety First
Fruit juice industry in Thailand is enjoying a fruitful tree climbing rate with a total...
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Policy Dialogue on Food and Nutrition Security for Myanmar to be held in Nay Pyi Taw
The meeting of GIZ with U Kyaw Shwe the Director General of the Department of...
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Roundtable Workshop “Financial mechanisms to transform the ESCO market in Thailand: Discussion of the NAMA proposal”
Roundtable Workshop “Financial mechanisms to transform the ESCO market in Thailand: Discussion of the NAMA proposal”
The TGP-EEDP project aims at promoting the increase of energy efficiency in industry and building...
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Expert Meetings: Development of “Architectural Guidebook for High Energy Efficiency Building Design”
Expert Meetings: Development of “Architectural Guidebook for High Energy Efficiency Building Design”
One of the seven core activities in the TGP-EEDP project focuses on encouraging the uptake...
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German Companies Presentation Day at Renewable Energy Asia 2015
The Renewable Energy Asia one of Asia’s largest fairs for renewable energy technologies took place...
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Highlights of the Regional Workshop on Transforming Building and Transport Sectors through NAMAs, 5-7 May, Manila
Following the regional workshops on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMAs) in Singapore in 2013 and...
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Improving Fuel Economy by Standards and other Policy Options
Jakarta, 14 November 2014 – A good fuel economy standard helps companies and vehicle users...
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Vehicle Pollution Fund in the Philippines: Tackling the Final Steps towards Utilisation
Final Consultation Workshop on the Operating Policies and Guidelines for the Implementation and Monitoring of...
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