
Global Support Project for the Preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)
โครงการศึกษาศักยภาพความพร้อมในการลดก๊าซเรือนกระจกในระยะยาวภายหลังปี พ.ศ. 2563
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Rice Plant-Hopper Management in Vietnam's Dong Thap Province
Survey to develop training for farmers on integrated pest management A pilot project soon to...
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Second Training on Energy Efficiency Indicators
Objectives of the training 1) To present and disseminate a final result of the Energy...
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Having more food does not necessary mean food security. This sentence is being heard over...
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Technical Workshop on Harmonization of Type I Eco-labels in selected countries of South East Asia through Common Core Criteria (CCC)
During 25th-26th March 2015, the project successfully organized and facilitated and the “Technical Workshop on...
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Seminar on “Building Energy Labelling (Building No.5) to Support the Uptake of Building Energy Code”
Seminar on “Building Energy Labelling (Building No.5) to Support the Uptake of Building Energy Code”
One of the seven core activities in the TGP-EEDP project focuses on encouraging the uptake...
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