
From Organic Farmers to Organic Customers
Recently opened in Phnom Penh, Cambodia the Eco-Agri Centre (EAC) trains farmers at no cost...
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GIZ Organised the 3rd Regional Policy Dialogue on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
GIZ-ECOSWat Conducted the Workshop on Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA)
A Visit of GIZ CEO: Mrs. Cornelia Richter, at EcosWat Project Pilot Site: Tha Di Sub-River Basin
Celebrating 50 years of Thai-German Dairy project
Celebrating 50 years of Thai-German Dairy project
The Thai-German Dairy project has celebrated its 50th anniversary in Chiangmai, northern Thailand. The two...
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Final Planning Workshop 2016
Under the Thai-German Programme on Energy Efficiency Development Plan or TGP-EEDP, the GIZ (German International...
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