
Urban Nexus Training and Training of Trainers concluded in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Urban Nexus Training and Training of Trainers concluded in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
A workshop to introduce the Urban Nexus approach and specific tools for analysing urban challenges...
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EGAT shares implementation of RAC NAMA Fund at the Bonn Climate Change Conference
EGAT shares implementation of RAC NAMA Fund at the Bonn Climate Change Conference
The NAMA Facility hosted a side event titled “Inspiring Ambitions Action on Climate Change –...
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Third National Dialogue on the Urban Nexus in Thailand “Strengthening Collaboration and Access to Financing to Support Integrated Resource Management in Thai Cities
EGAT visits GIZ head office in Germany for Thai-German dialogue on green cooling cooperation
EGAT visits GIZ head office in Germany for Thai-German dialogue on green cooling cooperation
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) as Project Fund Manager of the RAC NAMA...
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ONEP and GIZ continue integration of the climate change policy implementation at the subnational level
ONEP and GIZ continue integration of the climate change policy implementation at the subnational level
The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) and GIZ’s climate change...
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Germany invests THB 690 million in new Thai climate programme
Germany invests THB 690 million in new Thai climate programme
On 23 April 2018, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany together with the...
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Thailand and Germany discuss further cooperation on Climate Change
Thailand and Germany discuss further cooperation on Climate Change
The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) and the German Federal...
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Four ASEAN countries prepped to improve Ecolabels and Green Public Procurement
Four ASEAN countries prepped to improve Ecolabels and Green Public Procurement
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have now drafted the national social standards criteria for...
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ECAM tool gears up water sector towards achieving greenhouse gas reduction target
ECAM tool gears up water sector towards achieving greenhouse gas reduction target
Water is a basic need for every life form on the planet. As the population...
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Southeast Asia launches regional smart energy startup support initiative
Southeast Asia launches regional smart energy startup support initiative
A regional partnership between Germany’s leading provider of international cooperation services Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale...
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