
Thai rice researchers ready to take action on climate change
The Thai Rice Department and the Thai German Climate Programme – Agriculture (TGCP-Agriculture) recently wrapped...
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Youth in Action: 50 young Thai leaders put forward sustainable water solutions
Young leaders from across Thailand convened on 6-8 August 2021 at the ‘Blue-Net Camp’ to...
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Thailand and Germany announce the success on improving safety standard for healthcare personnel in Thailand
The Healthcare Accreditation Institute (Public Organization); the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University; the...
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Mainstream Gender in Institutional Transformation: Enhancing “Feedback to Manager” in GIZ Pakistan and GIZ Thailand
In accordance with the GIZ new Cooperation and Leadership principles (KuF), under its Practice adaptive...
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Launching pilot activities for less single-use plastic in Phuket
More than 30 institutions joined up to reduce single-use plastic at a kick-off event for...
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CAP SEA launches new publications to drive green plastic transformation in Southeast Asia
To build up technical and institutional know-how and facilitate the introduction and use of upstream...
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Enhancing Professional Skills and Digital Competences for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Personnel in Asean
Regional Cooperation for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (RECOTVET III) hosted...
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Thailand one step closer to finalising its Green Integration Policy and National Green Directory
As part of its support to Thailand, the EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility, in cooperation with...
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Policy action to plastic plight: reducing and preventing single-use plastic
Single use plastic generates a huge source of unnecessary waste. From coffee cups, plastic packaging,...
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Thai government agencies and international organisations interlink Thailand’s climate targets and climate-related SDGs in IKI Cooperation Meeting 2021
100 representatives from Thai government agencies, the German Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and international...
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