
Fighting against climate change: Thailand, Australia and Germany pool their efforts to strengthen data management and M&E of adaptation in Thailand’s water sector
Thailand, Australia and Germany pool their efforts to strengthen data management and M&E of adaptation in Thailand's water sector
Evidence-based decision-making is key to sustainable water management and it is in this context that...
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Safeguarding finite water-energy-land resources for future generations
Safeguarding finite water-energy-land resources for future generations
The Ninth Regional Workshop on Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus marked...
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Thailand exchanges information on mobilisation of climate finance with Germany
Thailand exchanges information on mobilisation of climate finance with Germany
Thailand’s climate change and monetary governmental organisations recently acquired and exchanged knowledge, lessons learnt and...
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Water sector collaborates with other sectors to achieve Thailand’s climate goals
Water sector collaborates with other sectors to achieve Thailand’s climate goals
The Thai water sector exchanged and discussed climate change adaptation policies and their implementation at...
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Thai and Philippines universities/colleges collaborate to strengthen the future of Nexus approach
Thai and Philippines universities/colleges collaborate to strengthen the future of Nexus approach
As part of the “Urban Nexus Student Exchange Programme”, architecture students of King Mongkut’s University...
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How climate change affects our bowl of rice
How climate change affects our bowl of rice
‘Have you eaten rice?’ is the literal translation of the Thai question ‘gin khao rue...
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Local authorities lead subnational efforts to curb climate change
About 40 regional and local government officials met in Bangkok to speak about their experiences...
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