
Thai-German Animal Health Project (TG-AHP)
October 1978 - December 1992 During its 14 years of duration the project succeeded in...
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Thai-German Plant Protection Programme (TG-PPP)
1980 - 1988 Building on the success of the Thai-German Rodent Control Project, the Thai-German...
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Thai-German Rodent Control Project (TG-RCP)
1976 - 1980 dent pests, and in particular rats and mice, are known to be...
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Microalga-Technological Testing Project Thailand
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Thai-German Agricultural Development Project - Lamtakhong (TG-ADP - Lamtakhong)
December 1972 - March 1976 The Thai-German Agricultural Development Project was active in the Lamtakhong...
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Thai-German Underground Water Supply Promotion Project (UWP)
April 1976 – February 1982 The importance of adequate water supply for domestic use, livestock...
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Thai-German Land Settlement Promotion Project (TG-LPP)
September 1974 – December 1991 This 17-year project: Thai-German Land Settlement Promotion Project (TG-LPP) sought...
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Thai-German Highland Development Project (TG-HDP)
April 1981 – December 1998 Thailand was considered to be a major illicit drug (Opium)...
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Credit Adviser to the Department of Public Welfare
February 1978 – January 1984 When Thai-German Technical Cooperation took up activities to support development...
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Integrated Community Based Rural Development Chakkarat Project (CBIRD)
August 1988 – December 2000 The Integrated Community Based Rural Development Project was targeted at...
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