
Ministry of Interior recognises its key roles in addressing climate change in Thailand
Ministry of Interior (MoI) officials attended training on the development of climate-integrated provincial development plans...
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Thailand plans to enhance transparency of GHG emission reporting through improved quality control process
The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) supported by the Thai-German...
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Growing national competencies through virtual training
Growing national competencies through virtual training
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused worldwide disruption and hindered travel between countries.
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Sea level rise, climate change, spatial planning are all connected but how?
Climate change-induced sea-level rise is damaging the tourism and human settlement sectors.
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ONWR joins with universities and GIZ in developing a methodology to monitor and evaluate the benefits of nature-based flood and drought measures
To help tackle the impacts of climate change, Thailand’s water sector is enhancing its focus...
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