
NACAG cooperation with Thailand, moving towards nitrous oxide phaseout from nitric acid industry
The Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG) project in Thailand – implemented by the Deutsche...
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Piangjai Kaen-arsa’s morning routine is feeding her cattle with straw bales. Each cow can eat up to seven kilogrammes of dried straw per day.
Straw management helps Thai farmers reduce costs and climate change impacts
It’s 10 o’clock in the morning and Piangjai Kaen-arsa and her friend Maneerat Kaenprom have...
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How can we have sustainable mobility between Lao PDR and Thailand in the COVID-19 pandemic era?
Border trade and tourism between the capital city of Vientiane and Nong Khai Province is...
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GIZ - UNEP highlight the need for new consumption patterns through sustainability information
GIZ Thailand in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)’s One Planet Network organised...
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How can Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging help reduce plastic waste?
How can we enhance packaging waste separation and recycling to reduce environmental pollution and greenhouse...
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Barrier Analysis report
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Credit: Unsplash/ Pema Gyamtsho
Bhutan brings sustainability into focus for public procurement
At the recent UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), Bhutan announced to the world that the...
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Credit: Unsplash/Sasun Bughdaryan
Moving forward with the training for greener public procurement
Cambodia aims to review its legal framework to unleash the full potential of public procurement....
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