soup chingnawan

CCMB facilitates the Climate Information Services Development in Thailand
The Climate Coastal and Marine Biodiversity project (CCMB) under GIZ Thailand partnered with the Department...
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Chiang Mai hosts Green Hydrogen public training to support sustainable H2 projects in SEA
In a significant step towards advancing Green Hydrogen project development in Thailand and Southeast Asia,...
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H2Uppp supports Thailand and SEA’s shift to clean ammonia production
the International Hydrogen Ramp-Up (H2Uppp) programme in Thailand organised an online workshop to disseminate results...
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Climate Conscious Cities: Urban-Act holds Webinar Series throughout 2024
To kickstart a crucial year for urban climate action, the project Integrated Urban Climate Action...
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Thai-German Knowledge Exchange Session: Building Urban Resilience and Transport Planning
GIZ collaborated with the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning (DPT) under...
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Yom-Nan River Basin Stakeholders Join Hands to Tackle Water Challenges through Local Wisdom
The Yom-Nan River Basin currently faces severe water shortages, droughts and floods. Local communities are...
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ASEAN Access Stakeholders Meeting Highlights Best Practices and Sustainable Strategies
ASEAN Access Stakeholders paved the way towards the future by sharing best practices for utilising...
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