soup chingnawan

Thailand’s ONWR successfully collaborates with GIZ in Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Thailand’s Water Resources Management
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with the Office of the National...
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Thai-German collaboration project show sustainable rice is better for famers, for the climate and for the environment
The results of five years of successful implementation of the Thai-German Climate Programme – Agriculture...
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Thailand and Germany support climate-friendly household waste and wastewater management
The Pollution Control Department (PCD) and GIZ organized an online workshop on 25th November 2022...
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GCI Factsheet
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Service Sector Analysis GCI
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Sustainability is promising when your partners buy in!
The measures, knowledge and tools developed and implemented by the Coffee+ project have been sustained...
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From COP26 to COP27: Driving Energy Towards Carbon Neutrality 2050
The Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) reveals the results of its...
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